Schema Therapy Learning Lab -Therapists and Self Sacrifice, February 17th 1pm
Schema Therapy Australia & Schema Therapy Canberra are offering “Schema Therapy Learning Lab”an online supervision forum focussing on the following topics to compliment clinical practice:
Therapists and self sacrifice. How does Self Sacrifice help you with your clients and how does it harm you? This learning lab will give you space to understand your Self Sacrifice schema and how it plays out in the therapy room as well as helping your Healthy Adult Therapist stay in charge and assert your needs.
Supervision is held on Thursdays throughout the year at 1pm Melbourne time (for 75 minutes) for the following Months:
February 17th, 2022
"Therapists and Self Sacrifice - strengths and weaknesses"
May 13th
"Limited Re-parenting - neurobiological underpinnings and practical strategies"
June 17th:
“Case conceptualisation in ST – to drive your treatment plan and strengthen the HAM”
August 5th at 1pm:
“Understanding How and When to use Imagery – workshopping obstacles”
September 16th at 1pm:
“Tough & hard to shift Critic Modes – where does self-compassion fit it?”
November 4th at 1pm:
“Bypassing Hopeless surrenderer & Detached Protector”
Supervision is capped at 10 participants and is $110 per session.
The supervision will be held online and delivered via zoom. Please note there will be worksheets and in-between session tasks so you are encouraged to book all four sessions to consolidate learning.
Rita and Ruth are Advanced Schema Therapist Supervisor – Trainers.
Ruth is a clinical psychologist located in Canberra, and offers sueprvision and training in both Individual and Couples ST.
Rita is a clinical psycholgoist located in Melbourne and offers supervision and training in both Individual and Group ST.
Please note places are limited and refunds are not possible for cancelling sessions once booked.
Photo by Dimitri Houtteman on Unsplash