2025 TrainingWorkshop I: Starting Schema Couples Therapy PERTH
20-21 May | Workshop I F2F PERTH Presenter: Ms Ruth Holt, Clinical Psychologist and Advanced Schema Couples therapist. The website seems to say "digital delivery" but this workshop is FACE TO FACE In Perth, Western Australia. Schema Couples Therapy focusses on building connection and repairing relationship ruptures by understanding the mode cycles that fuel distress. We aim to work with partners to heal the unmet needs that drive schema and mode activation. This workshop focuses on starting with couples from a Schema Therapy perspective, including
The workshop will be interactive, with input, demonstrations and opportunity to practice skills. This workshop provides 2 days of the 4 days of training required to become a certified Schema Couples Therapist (additional requirements are outlined here). Standard Price: $699 (until February 26, 2025) Last Minute Price: $749 This includes all materials and catering. Location: Fremantle Sailing Club, PERTH 151 Marine Terrace Fremantle WA 6160 Time: 8:45am-5:00pm Common questions: What if I haven’t done any Schema Therapy training before? You are strongly encouraged to complete the introduction to Schema Therapy workshop: Schema Therapy for Chronic Mood and Anxiety Disorders - either live or 'at your own pace' This workshop assumes
If you don't have that knowledge the introduction workshops listed will meet that need. What if I haven’t had much experience with couples? The training will provide options for those with less couples experience and those with more, aiming to meet your individual learning needs. Can I use my Gottman Method, Emotion Focused or other couples therapy skills? Yes, Schema therapy is an integrative therapy that can build on your existing skills. Please be aware of our cancellation policy Workshop II: Schema Couples Therapy for Affairs, Sexual Issues and Complex Cases PERTH
22-23 May |Workshop II F2F PERTH Presenter: Ms Ruth Holt, Clinical Psychologist and Advanced Schema Couples therapist. This workshop is Face to Face in Perth. Schema Couples Therapy focusses on building connection and repairing relationship ruptures by understanding the mode cycles that fuel distress. We aim to work with partners to heal the unmet needs that drive schema and mode activation. This workshop builds on Workshop I (Starting Schema Couples Therapy) and develops skills including
The workshop will be interactive, with input, demonstrations and opportunity to practice skills. This workshop provides 2 days of the 4 days of training required to become a certified Schema Couples Therapist (additional requirements are outlined here). Standard Price: $749 (until Feb 26, 2025) Last Minute Price: $849 This includes all materials and catering. Location: Fremantle Sailing Club, PERTH 151 Marine Terrace Fremantle WA 6160 Time: 8:45am-5:00pm Common questions: What if I haven’t done any Schema Couples Therapy training before? This is an ADVANCED WORKSHOP and requires completing of Workshop I. You will be asked to confirm your attendance at Workshop I or equivalent. Can I use my Gottman Method, Emotion Focused or other couples therapy skills? Yes, Schema therapy is an integrative therapy that can build on your existing skills. Please be aware of our cancellation policy Workshop I and II: Schema Couples Therapy PERTH
20-23 May |Workshop I and II F2F PERTH Presenter: Ms Ruth Holt, Clinical Psychologist and Advanced Schema Couples therapist. NOTE: sometimes the receipt from the website says digital delivery - this is a Face to Face workshop in Perth. Schema Couples Therapy focusses on building connection and repairing relationship ruptures by understanding the mode cycles that fuel distress. We aim to work with partners to heal the unmet needs that drive schema and mode activation. Workshop I (days 1 and 2) focuses on starting with couples from a Schema Therapy perspective, including
Workshop II (days 3 and 4) builds on Workshop I and develops skills including
The workshop will be interactive, with input, demonstrations and opportunity to practice skills. It provides the complete 4 days of training required to become a certified Schema Couples Therapist (additional requirements are outlined here). Location: Fremantle Sailing Club, PERTH 151 Marine Terrace Fremantle WA 6160 Time: 8:45am-5:00pm Discounted price for the 4 day training package: Standard Price: $1298 (until February 26, 2025) Last Minute Price: $1398 This price includes all materials and catering for the 4 days. Common questions: What if I haven’t done any Schema Therapy training before? You are strongly encouraged to complete the introduction to Schema Therapy workshop: Schema Therapy for Chronic Mood and Anxiety Disorders - either live or 'at your own pace' This workshop assumes
If you don't have that knowledge the introduction workshops listed will meet that need. What if I haven’t had much experience with couples? The training will provide options for those with less couples experience and those with more, aiming to meet your individual learning needs. Can I use my Gottman Method, Emotion Focused or other couples therapy skills? Yes, Schema therapy is an integrative therapy that can build on your existing skills. Please be aware of our cancellation policy
Schema Couples Therapy Learning Lab - 2025 dates just releasedSchema Couples Therapy Learning Lab 2025
SCT Learning Lab is designed to provide ongoing training and supervision in Schema Couples Therapy as well as community for Schema Couples Therapists. Each session will provide some training and resources, as well as time to workshop complex cases in a small group setting. All sessions will be on Thursdays 12:30-2pm Canberra time on ZOOM and will be recorded to view later if you are unable to attend. Group is limited to 10 participants.
SESSION 1: COMMON HETEROSEXUAL PATTERNS (February 27) Couples can end up playing out very traditional gender roles in spite of their best intentions. The mental load can be unevenly spread, patterns of women being the "expert" in parenting, or being pressured to give up work, male partners being uninvolved, avoidant of responsibility or their work being prioritised, resulting in escalating conflict. What are the common schemas and modes that might be at play and how can we address these challenges with an awareness that the cultural background is impacting the couple in helpful and unhelpful ways? Ruth Holt will provide a few case examples and you can bring your own to workshop this issue. SESSION 2: COMPLEX TRAUMA AND COUPLES (April 3) How doe we address the impact of complex trauma in our couple work? Ruth Holt will present some principles of working with trauma in a couples format, including titrating imagery work, building couple safety and practical approaches to couples working through the impact of sexual trauma. There will be an opportunity to workshop your couples work in this area. SESSION 3: SCT Intensives (May 1) How can SCT be used in an intensive format? Rachael Jolly has been providing intensive couples therapy since December, 2023 and has been using a Schema Couples approach. She is going to outline her process, how she structures the sessions, the types of couples who are suitable for intensive work and things be aware of when working with couples in an intensive way. Guest Presenter: Rachael is an Accredited Mental Health Social Worker, A Clinical Family Therapist, An Accredited EMDR Practitioner, and is trained in individual and couples Schema Therapy. Rachael has over 15 years of experience and has been working in private practice for 5 years. Rachael offers EMDR + Schema Six Weekly Programs, EMDR Intensive Programs and Couples Immersive Programs. SESSION 4: IMAGERY (June 5) Ruth Holt will provide a hands on opportunity to fine tune your imagery with couples skills as well as opportunity to workshop challenges in using Imagery with couples. SESSION 5: THE WHEEL OF CONSENT AND SCHEMAS (July 3) The Wheel of Consent created by Betty Martin is a powerful model used to explore boundaries, consent and touch in relationships. The model distinguishes between giving and receiving, helping people understand their desires, boundaries and the dynamics of consent itself. Used in the right way it can build trust, clarify communication, address power dynamics and enhance intimacy. Find out how this tool might be integrated into Schema Therapy to help clients become aware of their schemas and how they might be playing out in the dynamics of giving and receiving within relationships. Guest Presenter: Monica Cook a sexologist and has years of experience working with couples to develop a healthy sexual connection, particularly a healthy relationship to pleasure WHEN: These Learning Labs will run Thursdays 12:30-2pm online (Canberra/Sydney/Melbourne time) CAN I ATTEND JUST 1? The learning labs are designed to foster community and connection for Schema Couples Therapists, so will be delivered as a closed group. If you are unable to attend an occasional session there will be recordings available. WHAT SCT KNOWLEDGE DO I NEED? This series of learning labs is focussed on those who have completed some SCT training or are very familiar with Schema Therapy and are using it with couples. Photo by Shubham Dhage on Unsplash SCT Learning Lab is designed to provide ongoing training and supervision in Schema Couples Therapy as well as community for Schema Couples Therapists. Each session will provide some training and resources, as well as time to workshop complex cases in a small group setting. All sessions will be on Thursdays 12:30-2pm Canberra time and will be recorded to view later if unable to attend.
WHEN: These Learning Labs will run Thursdays 12:30-2pm online (Canberra/Sydney/Melbourne time) CAN I ATTEND JUST 1? The learning labs are designed to foster community and connection for Schema Couples Therapists, so will be delivered as a closed group. If you are unable to attend an occasional session there will be recordings available. WHAT SCT KNOWLEDGE DO I NEED? This series of learning labs is focussed on those who have completed some SCT training or are very familiar with Schema Therapy and are using it with couples. |
NEW E-BOOK FOR COUPLES!Schema Couples Therapy Workbook
This fillable 28 page workbook is a place to reflect on your Schema Couples Therapy and to consolidate your understanding of yourself and your relationship. The exercises are designed to help you go deeper in your understanding of Schema Couples Therapy. You may want to complete exercises here that your therapist recommends or work through worksheets and videos that are relevant to your relationship. You can share what you write with your partner or keep it as a private reflection space. Feel free to use the workbook in a way that works for you! NOTE: The download will come with 2 options
Both downloads are available with the purchase price and a printed link to additional resources is also inside version 1 of the ebook. |
FREE HANDOUTS - Schema Mismatches for couples:
PRE-RECORDED Webinars on Schema Couples TherapyWebinar Sale!
Schema Couples Therapy Australia
Certification training
Workshop I: Starting Schema Couples Therapy
- Understanding the Schema Therapy model as applied to couple presentations
- Assessment techniques and measures
- Schema Therapy conceptualisation of couples issues, linking childhood wounds and current couple conflict
- Understanding and applying imagery re-scripting and mode work to de-escalate conflict and increase connection
- Couples clash cards and schema healing interventions
- Assessing complex couples
- Affair treatment processes
- Assessing and working with passion, romance, intimacy, and sexual satisfaction
- Working with Narcissism and Impulsivity
- Advanced Imagery Re-Scripting and Chair work with couples
Aimed at: Therapists wanting to expand their Schema Therapy skills with couples and therapists who already work with couples and would like to have greater impact when working with complex presentations.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I haven’t done any Schema Therapy training before?
Pre-workshop training, providing an overview of Schema Therapy, will be a requirement, completed prior to the Schema Couple Therapy training. Options for completing this training are any Introduction to Schema therapy workshop that provides an outline of schemas and modes, how to bypass a coping mode, imagery work and critic mode interventions. The self paced course "Schema Therapy for Chronic Axis I disorder will give you a grounding in Schema Therapy or this live training will also provide the appropriate training. If you have questions regarding whether you have sufficient Schema Therapy knowledge please email.
What if I haven’t had much experience with couples?
The training will provide options for those with less couples experience and those with more, aiming to meet your individual learning needs.
Can I use my Gottman Method, Emotion Focused or other couples therapy skills?
Yes, Schema therapy is an integrative therapy that can build on your existing skills.
Curriculum for Schema Couples Therapy Certification
- Identify schemas of each partner, and define the default relationship mode cycle
- Use assessment inventories: YSQ-3, YPI, SMI, BDI, BAI, DAS, WC, etc.
- Conceptualize schemas and the default mode cycle
- Link childhood wounds and maladaptive relationship patterns to the current relationship, and identify strengths of the relationship
- Introduce Schema Flashcard, Mode Mapping, Mode Clash Card, Needs vs. Wants Tool
- Identify Schema Chemistry and schema clashes
- Assess degree of passion, romance, intimacy, and sexual satisfaction
- Determine if any complicating factors (levels of commitment, individual past trauma or disorders, injuries in the relationship, etc.) and/or contraindications (active affairs, addictions, patterns of violence, etc.)
- Find supplemental resources or treatment, as needed
- Create "Needs Value Map"
- Identify vision of the relationship: goals, dreams, mission, desired legacy
- Establish goals of treatment, and set the time frame
- Create and maintain a secure therapeutic bond
- Practice "empathic confrontation," as needed
- Use therapeutic self-disclosure
- Intervene when therapist's own schemas and modes are activated in-session
- Differentiate between the "wants" and "needs" of the therapist and the couple
- Repair ruptures in the therapeutic relationship
- Discuss ethics and confidentiality concerns with the couple (disclosures, consultations with other therapists, conflicts of interest, confidentiality issues, etc.)
- Connecting Dialogues: provide antidotes to schemas and maladaptive modes by identifying and expressing (1) core emotions (2) urges to cope. Next, use adaptive coping modes to invite partner to meet needs
- Chair Work: use mode dialogues to address mode cycle and schemas
- Imagery Rescripting: identify childhood origins of schemas, link to current relationship, create antidote to schema origins while deepening emotional depth and increasing emotional connection
- Use tools to shift clashes: Mode Clash Cards, Schema Flashcards, Meta-perspective, "Needs vs. Wants" tool, etc.
- Couples Toolbox: assign homework to solidify work in-between sessions
- Develop a language for deeper emotional connection
- Build shared meaning in roles, rituals, goals, values, dreams
- Create a shared narrative of the couple's story, including desired legacy
- Build and sustain mutually satisfying passion, romance, intimacy, and sexual satisfaction, and address any sexual dysfunctions
- Solidify mode cycles to create antidotes to schemas with interactions involving (a.) self-and-partner soothing (b.) inviting bids (c.) successful repairs (d.) stance of curiosity and acceptance
- Address and heal relationship injuries (affairs, betrayals, other significant injuries)
- Confront addictions, aggressive modes, and patterns of physical violence
- Treat couples with survivors of childhood trauma (sexual, emotional, physical)
- Treat specific personality disorders in a couple (BPD, NPD, Avoidant, Antisocial, etc.)